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From The Smallest

Pellentesque ultricies ligula vel neque dictum, eu mollis tortor adipiscing. Etiam congue, est vel tincidunt vestibulum, nunc nunc porta nulla, at adipiscing neque tellus quis urna.

Little By Little

Et Leh Et simply put means 'Little By Little'.

We believe these are good words to live by, We hope you'll agree and visit us again

To The Grandest

Pellentesque ultricies ligula vel neque dictum, eu mollis tortor adipiscing. Etiam congue, est vel tincidunt vestibulum, nunc nunc porta nulla, at adipiscing neque tellus quis urna.

Our world and its people are dealing with difficult times

Globalization and the demands to control everyone and everything by the politicians, deep state, and mass media by parasitic elites are destroying everything.

Our World And Our Freedom, Depends On All Of Us Not Doing What We Like, But What Is Right. 


Standing all alone; in a crowd, trying to make things count; working up the nerve, we've been here before; although no one remembers. 

Our lives, mankind's life; is subjective at best. We live in a world full of systems; 'health, political, education, policing...' each one designed we are told for our own good, so ... will work better for everyone. 

The countdown starts: At the dawn of mankind, we have evidence that there were individuals and families and groups of families. Humans lived and worked together to make things as well as possible. We needed water, food, shelter, and the companionship of others close to us, to make it through the day. All systems were a go: But were we sure?

Control is not convinced: At some point what was the right and wrong way began to change. The simple way of life working with and for others wasn't enough; As time went on, most of what took place control became more invasive into daily life. Existence alone is what many began to feel was what we had, watching in a trance, following orders, towing the line.
Our experiential life has become one in which a few believe nothing should be left to chance. 

The Count goes on: 4,3,2,1... At this point in time, our lives have more systems than ever before. Accept or be forced to accept. Drifting, Falling: Often in seeming less and endless forward motion. The societal construct of systems has ballooned through history. All the while a small percentage of the world's population has maintained control, a small group who realized they could have more of what everyone strives for simply by adopting a ‘Me Attitude’ and convincing others that by following them they can also have more.                                                                     ----->


The second stage is cut: Currently, our world has more systems in place than at any other time in history, some of which date back thousands of years, like our banking system. Newer ones from the last hundred or so years such as the judicial and policing,  and some quite new, medical and education.  We're now in orbit: Stabilizers up, life has become of so little value to some of those elite and their underlings that they seem to care little whether or not humankind can even move forward into the future. Data is being collected at a staggering pace to provide those in control with devious ways in which to convince us to follow along. What will it affect: When all is done, Humankind is a resilient and puzzling species, our basic attitudes, and feelings have changed little over the millennia, yet somehow, the me attitude seems to have caught hold, I believe to our detriment. There is a problem: We need to abort, Nothing could be further from the truth than thinking we (the populace) are in control at this point in time. Although we often think of ourselves as being in control, as witnessed by the expressive assemblies which take place regularly. Nothing could be farther from the truth. We are told what to do when to do it, where to do it, how to do it, and even why we should do it. The 'IT' is whatever the elite parasites have determined is best for themselves.  

Go to Rockets full: We're standing by. Our systems are broken and have been for a long, long time. Until we become determined or lucky enough to have or make a massive overhaul of every system in use, mankind is doomed to follow the footsteps of our ancestors, we are doomed to follow those who have and are being cajoled, deceived, enticed and forced into accepting things that were never meant to be. 4,3,2,1...: Earth Below us, Drifting, Falling. Then nothing more. The world is mourning.   Dave SW


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Many have already been forced to reevaluate what has significant meaning for themselves and for others.
Kavanah is to aim your thoughts, give them a direction, a target.
What is it about the way that we perceive that stops us from knowing, what's keeping us in the dark?
Our goal is the same as our Lord's, "who would have all mankind saved.

Our Lives And Those of Future Generations Literally Depend On What Each And Every One Of Us Do During These Trying And Difficult Times!

Our world is quickly becoming a shambles. ARE YOU sick and tired of being righteously lectured by political leaders, politicians, bureaucrats as well as the rich parasites of the world and now also the unelected Non-Govermental-Organizations? As we see it at least 80% of them are crooked liars who are only trying to take what they can at every opportunity and when they aren't taking from us they are trying to control everything we do.

The world is heading into a massive period of change. Every person needs to wake up and see the consequences of what has been taking place since at least the 1970s. We have to start defending what is right and proper.

Many people are, or at least seem ignorant of the threats we face daily all around the world, they may never see it until we are totally controlled, with huge swaths of the population in extreme poverty and indigence.